Offer terms conditions
- Promotions are not valid in combination with other promotions/offers/discounts/stickers.
- Discount promotions with discount codes are also valid in the shop on display of the promotion. (unless explicitly stated)
- It is not possible to enter multiple discount codes.
- It is possible to enter multiple vouchers. (savings vouchers and gift vouchers, except birthday vouchers)
- With a percentage discount, the discount applies to the most expensive (eligible) item.
- When a promotion period has ended, it is not possible to use this promotion afterwards.
- Discount does not apply retroactively.
- The promotion period is indicated with the relevant promotion.
- Certain items are excluded.
- TRT-Tools reserves the right to modify, suspend or terminate the Promotion unilaterally.
- TRT-Tools is not liable for any typing, printing or typographical errors.
- In case you have a comment, question or complaint please contact
- When participating in the promotion, the participant declares that he/she agrees with the above promotion terms & conditions.